How I Give back

I’ve always said I’m Ghanaian at heart by virtue of the fact that my parents are originally from there. Being born in Italy naturally makes me Italian and moving to the United States, growing up in Columbus, Ohio, and eventually gaining citizenship through naturalization very much makes me American. This brings a lot of versatility to my nature. This is important because it gives me an idea of how much weight the opportunities I’ve been afforded hold and how much of an inspiration I can be to kids around the world when I’m successful.

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Giving back is part of who I am. I realize, every day, that I’m blessed with an opportunity to use my passion for playing soccer and the influence I have as a professional football (soccer) player, to affect the lives around me. So, that’s what I will do!


Children’s ministry

The Children’s Ministry is something that is near and dear to my heart. Growing up in Italy and the U.S., I saw the diversity of children and how influential they are by the people around them. I choose to be a positive influence in the lives of children through opportunities such as appearing and giving my time to The Children’s Ministry.



In my free time, I like to give back to my fans as well as the local community as much as I can. Local and national charity events are one of the ways I’m able to do that. All of my upcoming events are listed on my schedule. Click the button below to view my upcoming schedule, including all my upcoming charity events.



The only way to keep growing as a human is to stay humble, remain grateful, and bless others through philanthropy and volunteering. I believe everyone should give back as much as they can. I’m fortunate enough in life to be healthy and capable. I hope I can also inspire you to give back to your local communities and make that a priority, too!